7 Encouraging Ways to Seek First the kingdom of God

Ways to seek first the kingdom of God

This content will explore various ways to seek first the kingdom of God. It will delve into understanding the nature of the kingdom, developing a kingdom-centered mindset, prioritizing God in daily life, seeking righteousness and holiness, serving others in love, trusting God’s provision, overcoming challenges and temptations, growing in discipleship, and making an impact in the kingdom.

Each section will provide practical insights and guidance to help individuals incorporate these principles into their daily lives and deepen their relationship with God.

Seven Ways to Seek First the Kingdom of God

Seeking first the kingdom of God is a fundamental concept in the Christian faith that emphasizes prioritizing God’s kingdom above all else in one’s life. It stems from Jesus’ teachings in the Bible, particularly in the Gospel of Matthew, where He instructs His followers to “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33).

By seeking first the kingdom, believers acknowledge God’s sovereignty and recognize His rightful place as the center of their lives. It is a conscious decision to place God’s will, purposes, and principles above personal desires and worldly pursuits. Prioritizing the kingdom of God leads to a transformed perspective, a life of alignment with divine values, and a deeper intimacy with God.

1. Understanding the Kingdom of God

The kingdom of God can be defined as the reign and rule of God over all creation. It is not merely a physical or geographical kingdom, but a spiritual reality that encompasses God’s authority, sovereignty, and righteousness. The nature of the kingdom is characterized by love, justice, peace, and the restoration of all things according to God’s perfect plan.

Through parables, such as the parable of the mustard seed and the parable of the yeast, Jesus illustrates the growth and impact of the kingdom. He teaches that the kingdom is both present and future, a reality that is both within and among believers. Jesus also highlights the need for repentance and the necessity of becoming like children to enter the kingdom of God.

2. Developing a Kingdom-Centered Mindset

A. Cultivating a relationship with God through prayer and meditation: Seeking first the kingdom begins with establishing a vibrant and intimate relationship with God. Prayer and meditation create space for communion with God, allowing believers to seek His presence, guidance, and wisdom. Regularly setting aside time for prayer and meditation nurtures a deeper understanding of God’s kingdom and helps align one’s heart with His purposes.

B. Studying and applying the teachings of Jesus: The teachings of Jesus provide invaluable insights into the principles and values of the kingdom. Engaging in the study of Scripture, particularly the Gospels, allows believers to understand Jesus’ teachings and apply them to their lives. By immersing themselves in the words and actions of Jesus, individuals can develop a kingdom-centered mindset and discern how to live out the kingdom’s values in their daily interactions and decisions.

C. Aligning one’s thoughts, desires, and actions with the principles of the kingdom: Seeking first the kingdom requires aligning one’s entire being with the principles and values of God’s kingdom. This involves a conscious effort to transform one’s thought patterns, desires, and actions to reflect the character of God. It means embracing humility, love, forgiveness, justice, and righteousness in all aspects of life. By intentionally aligning oneself with the kingdom’s principles, individuals become instruments of God’s transformative work in the world.

3. Prioritizing God in Daily Life

A. Making time for regular worship and fellowship: Seeking first the kingdom involves prioritizing regular worship and fellowship with other believers. This includes attending church services, participating in worship, and engaging in communal prayer and praise. Gathering with fellow believers provides an opportunity for spiritual growth, encouragement, and accountability, fostering a deeper connection with God and His people.

B. Seeking God’s guidance in decision-making: To seek first the kingdom, believers must actively seek God’s guidance in all aspects of life. This involves bringing decisions, big or small, before the Lord in prayer and seeking His wisdom and direction. By surrendering one’s own desires and seeking alignment with God’s will, individuals can make choices that honor God and further His kingdom.

C. Being faithful stewards of the resources entrusted by God: Prioritizing the kingdom of God also entails being responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to us by God. This includes managing time, talents, finances, and other blessings in a manner that reflects God’s values. By using these resources wisely and generously for the advancement of God’s kingdom and the benefit of others, believers demonstrate their commitment to seeking first the kingdom.

4. Seeking Righteousness and Holiness

A. Pursuing personal righteousness through repentance and forgiveness: Seeking first the kingdom involves pursuing personal righteousness through a lifestyle of repentance and forgiveness. Recognizing our own shortcomings and sins, we humbly approach God with repentant hearts, seeking His forgiveness and transforming grace. Through the power of Christ’s sacrifice, we are made righteous before God, and we strive to live in accordance with His moral standards.

B. Fostering a lifestyle of holiness and moral integrity: Seeking the kingdom also means embracing a life of holiness and moral integrity. This requires intentionally aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with God’s standards. By allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us and guide our choices, we strive to live lives that reflect the character of God, seeking purity, honesty, and righteousness in all areas of life.

C. Seeking to be transformed by the Holy Spirit: Seeking first the kingdom involves an ongoing process of transformation by the Holy Spirit. As believers, we invite the Holy Spirit to work in us, molding and shaping us into the image of Christ. This transformation enables us to live out the values and principles of the kingdom, empowering us to love unconditionally, serve sacrificially, and exhibit Christ-like character.

By prioritizing God in daily life, making time for worship and fellowship, seeking His guidance in decision-making, and being faithful stewards of resources, believers actively demonstrate their commitment to seeking first the kingdom. Additionally, pursuing personal righteousness, fostering holiness, and allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us enable us to align our lives with the principles and values of God’s kingdom.

5. Serving Others in Love

A. Understanding the importance of love in the kingdom of God: Love is a central theme in the kingdom of God. Jesus emphasized the command to love God and love others as ourselves. By seeking first the kingdom, believers recognize the transformative power of love and its role in building God’s kingdom on earth. Love is the foundation for all acts of service and reflects the character of God.

B. Identifying and meeting the needs of others: Seeking first the kingdom involves actively identifying and meeting the needs of others. It requires developing a heart of compassion and empathy and being attentive to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those around us. By actively seeking opportunities to serve, believers can be instruments of God’s love and grace, bringing comfort, healing, and restoration to others.

C. Engaging in acts of service and demonstrating compassion: Seeking the kingdom requires action. It involves engaging in acts of service and demonstrating compassion in practical ways. Serving others can take various forms, such as volunteering in local communities, supporting charitable organizations, offering a helping hand to those in need, or simply being present for someone who is hurting. By actively serving others, believers manifest the love of God and contribute to the advancement of His kingdom.

6. Trusting God’s Provision

A. Relying on God for material and spiritual needs: Seeking first the kingdom involves recognizing God as the ultimate provider. Believers trust that God will provide for their material and spiritual needs according to His perfect will. This trust extends beyond financial resources to encompass all aspects of life, including guidance, wisdom, strength, and emotional well-being. By relying on God’s provision, believers acknowledge their dependence on Him and surrender their worries and anxieties.

B. Seeking first God’s kingdom and trusting Him to provide: Seeking the kingdom of God involves prioritizing God’s purposes and priorities above personal desires and concerns. It means seeking God’s kingdom first and trusting that as we align ourselves with His will, He will provide for our needs. By focusing on God’s kingdom agenda, believers shift their perspective from self-centeredness to a God-centered mindset, knowing that God’s provision is abundant and faithful.

C. Letting go of worry and anxiety through faith in God’s faithfulness: Seeking first the kingdom requires letting go of worry and anxiety, placing our faith in God’s faithfulness. Jesus reminds believers of the futility of worry, assuring them that if they seek God’s kingdom, He will take care of their needs. Trusting in God’s faithfulness and His promises enables believers to experience peace, joy, and contentment, even in the midst of challenges and uncertainties.

7. Growing in Discipleship and Kingdom Impact

A. Pursuing spiritual growth through discipleship and mentorship: Seeking first the kingdom involves a commitment to ongoing spiritual growth. This includes actively engaging in discipleship and seeking guidance from mentors who can help nurture and develop one’s faith. Discipleship provides opportunities for learning, accountability, and a deeper understanding of the kingdom’s principles, while mentorship offers guidance and wisdom from those who have walked the path of seeking God’s kingdom.

B. Using spiritual gifts and talents to advance the kingdom of God: Every believer is uniquely gifted by God to contribute to the advancement of His kingdom. Seeking first the kingdom requires identifying and utilizing these spiritual gifts and talents for the glory of God. By discerning how to best use these gifts, believers can actively participate in activities and ministries that align with God’s purposes and make a meaningful impact in their communities.

C. Influencing others positively and spreading the message of God’s kingdom: Seeking first the kingdom involves positively influencing others and spreading the message of God’s kingdom. By embodying the principles of the kingdom in our lives, we become ambassadors of Christ, reflecting His love, grace, and truth to those around us. Through our words and actions, we have the opportunity to share the good news of God’s kingdom, inviting others to experience the transformative power of seeking God first.


In this context, we have explored various ways to seek first the kingdom of God. We discussed understanding the nature of the kingdom, developing a kingdom-centered mindset, prioritizing God in daily life, seeking righteousness and holiness, serving others in love, trusting God’s provision, and growing in discipleship and kingdom impact. Each section highlighted practical steps and insights to help believers deepen their relationship with God and live out the principles of His kingdom.

The pursuit of seeking first the kingdom is a lifelong journey that requires intentional focus and commitment. It is an invitation to experience the abundant life that comes from aligning our lives with God’s purposes and principles. The importance of prioritizing the kingdom of God cannot be overstated, as it leads to a life of fulfillment, purpose, and eternal significance.

As we conclude, I encourage you, the readers, to take the principles discussed in this content and apply them in your daily lives. Seek to prioritize God’s kingdom above all else, cultivating a kingdom-centered mindset, serving others in love, trusting God’s provision, and growing in discipleship. By doing so, you will experience the transformative power of seeking first the kingdom of God and contributing to the advancement of His glorious kingdom on earth.

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