Bible verse for reunion

Bible verse for reunion

The notion of reunion is frequently used in the Bible to refer to the reunification of God’s people with Him. This can allude to individuals reuniting with God via faith and salvation, or the country of Israel reuniting with God after a period of exile or separation.

Bible verse for reunion explains the concept of reunion and emphasizes the restoration of relationships, whether between individuals and God or groups of people who have been separated or divided Biblically.


19 Bible Verse For Reunion

Reunion is frequently associated with sentiments of excitement and contentment, as well as a sensation of being whole or complete again.

It is a powerful and positive force that may bring people and communities together and assist to restore damaged or broken relationships.


Deuteronomy 26:11

So you shall rejoice, the Levite, and the foreigner dwelling among you in all the good things the LORD your God has given to you and your household.-

Deuteronomy 26:11(BSB)


Deuteronomy 26_11(BSB)

We can see clearly here the basis of reunion that is coming together on the condition of a certain basis which herein according to the above passage is to bless the name of the Lord who has dealt wondrously with his people.


Thou, the Levite, and the stranger were to take care to distribute God’s bounty to all those who relied on them. Let the Levite rejoice with thee because he has no inheritance. The stranger has nowhere to call home; let him consider thee to be his friend and father.

Proverbs 18:22

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.-

Proverbs 18:22(NIV)

Proverbs 18_22(NIV)

He who finds a wife finds a good thing: In Genesis 2:21-25, God brings together the first husband and wife. God gave marriage between a man and a woman as a gift to humanity, both as a whole and as an individual blessing.

“Marriage, with all its difficulties and embarrassments, is a blessing from God; and there are few cases in which a wife of any kind is not preferable to none…. In general, good wives and bad wives are relatively so; and most of those who have been bad later were good at first; and we all know that the best things can deteriorate, and the world generally accepts that where there are matrimonial contentions, there are faults on both sides.” (Clarke)

2 Chronicles 7:14

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.-

2 Chronicles 7:14(NLT)

2 Chronicles 7_14(NLT) (2)

This connotes that this promise to relegated to a select people, those who are born again, I mean those who have accepted Jesus, into their lives, confessed that He is Lord and accept him as  Lord and Saviour.

Psalm 127:1

Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.-

Psalm 127:1

Psalm 127_1

There is one essential element that applies to everything, whether you’re managing a household or building a home, working in a factory or helping out in a ministry.

It is that all of our endeavors demand complete reliance on God because without the Lord in control, all efforts will be in futile and all endeavors will be ineffective.

Without the Lord’s establishment, no family will prosper, no structure will be strong, no city will prosper, and no church will be united.

No matter how much money is spent or how talented the workers, if it is not constructed and blessed by the Lord, it will fall apart and be doomed to failure. Jesus is the only one who can guarantee the success of our efforts on earth.

Any endeavor made without the Lord will be unproductive and useless, regardless of developed qualities, innate talents, physical prowess, or intellectual prowess.

Reunions in the Bible

So Joseph prepared his chariot and traveled to Goshen to meet his father Israel. After introducing himself to him, he fell on his neck and sobbed for a considerable amount of time. After seeing Joseph’s face and realizing he was still alive, Israel exclaimed, “Now let me die (Genesis 46:29-30).

What are your thoughts on attending family gatherings? Many of us like seeing our loved ones on such occasions, provided there isn’t any abuse or dysfunction in the family.

When Jacob and his sons travel to Egypt to be reunited with Joseph, it is a lovely family reunion that we read about in the Scriptures. Jacob’s family wasn’t perfect by any means.

As a result, his other kids began to despise Joseph (Genesis 37:4). Later, his other sons tricked Jacob into believing Joseph had died by selling him into slavery (Genesis 37:28) and lying to him (Genesis 37:31-33).

Jacob suffered a great deal of anguish as a result of believing his beloved Joseph was dead for years (Genesis 37:34-35; cf. 42:4; 43:14).

However, by practicing forgiveness, Joseph had done much to help heal the dysfunction in his family. His brothers had come to him seeking grain while he was managing the famine in that region of the world by dispersing the grain that was still in Egypt (cf. Genesis 41:56-57). (Genesis 42:3-6).

After putting them to the test (Genesis 42:15-45:4), Joseph reveals himself to them, saying, “But now, do not be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.” (Genesis 45:5; see also 50:20).

After first revealing himself to his brothers, Joseph sends them back to Egypt to bring their father Jacob (Genesis 45:9-13). Can you imagine how Jacob felt when he found out Joseph was alive?

According to the Bible, when he heard this news, his heart stopped beating (Genesis 45:26). Jacob gathers his entire family, a total of 66 people (Genesis 46:5-25, 26), and travels to Egypt.

Joseph gathers his family of four, including himself, to meet them (Genesis 46:27). When Joseph and Jacob see each other again, as the opening verses show, they embrace and weep in a joyful family reunion.

Reunification in the Bible

The concept of reunion is frequently used in the Bible to refer to the reunification of God’s people with Him. This can be seen in a variety of ways:

  1. Reconciliation with God through faith and salvation: The Bible teaches that all people are separated from God because of sin, but that individuals can be reconciled with God and become members of His family through faith in Jesus Christ. This is referred to as being “born again” or “born from above.”
  2. Reunion of Christians with Christ at the time of His return: The apostle Paul speaks of the reunion of believers with Christ at the time of His return in the New Testament (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This is sometimes referred to as the “rapture,” when believers will be taken up in the clouds with Christ to meet Him in the air.
  3. Reunification of Israel with God: Throughout the Old Testament, Israel frequently strayed from God and was chastised with exile or captivity. God, on the other hand, has always promised to restore and reunify His people with Him. In the book of Isaiah, for example, the prophet prophesies of the future reuniting of Israel’s scattered people (Isaiah 43:5-6).

Family reunion in the Bible

What are your feelings about going to family gatherings? Many of us enjoy seeing our loved ones at such times, as long as there is no abuse or dysfunction in the family.

When Jacob and his sons travel to Egypt to be reunited with Joseph, we read about a beautiful family reunion. When Jacob and his sons travel to Egypt to be reunited with Joseph, it is a lovely family reunion that we read about in the Scriptures.

As a result, his other kids began to despise Joseph (Genesis 37:4). Later, his other sons tricked Jacob into believing Joseph had died by selling him into slavery (Genesis 37:28) and lying to him (Genesis 37:31-33).

Jacob suffered a great deal of anguish as a result of believing his beloved Joseph was dead for years (Genesis 37:34-35; cf. 42:4; 43:14).

However, by practicing forgiveness, Joseph had done much to help heal the dysfunction in his family. His brothers had come to him seeking grain while he was managing the famine in that region of the world by dispersing the grain that was still in Egypt (cf. Genesis 41:56-57). (Genesis 42:3-6).

After putting them to the test (Genesis 42:15-45:4), Joseph reveals himself to them, saying, “But now, do not be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.” (Genesis 45:5; see also 50:20).

After first revealing himself to his brothers, Joseph sends them back to Egypt to bring their father Jacob (Genesis 45:9-13). Can you imagine how Jacob felt when he found out Joseph was alive?

Bible verses about reuniting with family

Family is vital, according to the Bible, and we should endeavor to preserve healthy and loving connections with our family members. Depending on the context, the concept of reunion with family can take on a variety of connotations.

Here are a few possible interpretations of the concept of rejoining with family in the context of the Bible:

Jeremiah 3:18

In those days the house of Judah shall join the house of Israel, and together they shall come from the land of the north to the land that I gave your fathers for a heritage.-

Jeremiah 3:18(ESV)

Jeremiah 3_18(ESV)

Malachi 4:6A

His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers.-

Malachi 4:6A

Malachi 4_6A

This does not refer to the resolution of family disputes that may have arisen as a result of marriage with foreign wives. “The fathers are rather the Israelitish nation’s ancestors, the patriarchs, and generally the pious forefathers.

2 Corinthians 5:20

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.-

2 Corinthians 5:20

2 Corinthians 5_20

Paul’s life mission is explained in simple terms. His task, as assigned by the Lord, is to reach as many people as possible with the message of reconciliation with God through faith in Christ. To describe their work, he and his coworkers adopt a new title ambassadors for Christ.

Just as a political ambassador lives in a foreign land, representing their home and Lord, Christians represent Jesus and His message to the world.

God is appealing to the world through His ambassadors. From that vantage point, Paul implores all readers of his letter to be reconciled to God through faith in Christ.

These are wonderful and daring words, not so much for what they claim for the servants as for what they reveal about the Lord.

That thought, ‘as though God did beseech,’ seems to me to be the one deserving of our attention right now, far more than any inferences from the words about the relationship of Gospel preachers to man and to God.

So I’d like to try to set forth the wondrousness of this mystery of a beseeching God, as well as the other wonder and mystery of men refusing divine beseechings.

1 Corinthians 1:10

I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.-

1 Corinthians 1:10(ESV)

1 Corinthians 1_10(ESV)21_41_9(NKJV)

Paul has established a solid foundation for his letter in two ways. First, he was certain that the Christians in Corinth were truly saved, born-again believers, and eternally secure in Christ.

Paul will not look at their sin and incorrect thinking and question their salvation. Second, Paul has established their security in Christ.

He mentions Christ’s name for the tenth time in the first ten verses. The Corinthians are accepted solely because of their faith in Christ.

In the previous verse, Paul stated that these believers, each of them, had been called into the fellowship of Christ. That requires them to be in fellowship with one another as Christians.

Paul urges them in the name of Christ to agree with each other. He establishes a high standard for this church and all Christian churches: no divisions.

Paul insists that they can live in unity because they are all in Christ. This unity can and must reach the level of cooperative thinking and decision-making on critical issues.

Paul will clarify here, as he will in other passages (Romans 14), that he is not demanding that everyone in the church agree with whoever is in charge.

He is also not teaching that believers can never disagree on anything. The goal here is not to achieve perfect conformity, but rather to achieve unity. Disagreement does not have to lead to conflict.

Bible verses about reuniting with friends

The Bible urges us to create strong, supportive friendships and to respect our relationships with others. Friendship can be a wonderful and important experience, and the Bible urges us to prioritize and cultivate our connections.

Proverbs 18:24

There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.-

Proverbs 18:24(NLT)

Proverbs 18_24(NLT)

Having a large number of “friends” does not always imply having a large number of deep, committed allies in times of need.

A man of many companions in this context denotes someone who seeks popularity and shallow relationships.

When things are going well, such associates can be a source of pride or entertainment. When times are tough, however, one quickly discovers who their true friends are.

Even well-known and popular people can fall on hard times, which is exacerbated when their relationships are superficial.

The English expression “a friend in need is a friend indeed” echoes this proverb. The implication is that being willing to meet the needs of others is a sign of true friendship. False and shallow friends.

True friends can be even more devoted than blood relatives. Although Solomon’s observation applies to anyone who is a true friend in times of trouble, the Lord Jesus fits the description perfectly.

John 15:12-13

12 This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.

13 Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.-

John 15:12-13(NASB)

John 15_12-13(NASB)71_20

The parable of the Vine and the Branches tenderly depicts the union between Christ and His disciples. We now turn to the disciples’ union, which is the result of their common union with the Lord.

The branches are parts of a whole and must be related to one another. We can modify the Apostle’s analogous statement in reference to the Lord’s Supper for our current purpose, and just as He says, ‘We being many, are one body, for we are all partakers of that one bread,’ so we can say-The branches, being many, are one Vine, for they are all partakers of that one Vine.

The natural expression and manifestation of this union among the branches, which results from their common inherence in the Vine, is mutual love, which Christ here gives as the commandment and commends to us all by His own solemn example.

I. First, there is the obligation of love.

The concepts of commandment and love do not mix well. You cannot pump up love to order, and if you try, you will generally produce sentimental hypocrisy, hollow and unreal, which we see in abundance in the world and in the Church.

But, while that is true, and it may seem strange to say that we are commanded to love, we can do a lot, both directly and indirectly, to cultivate and strengthen any emotion. We can choose whether to adopt a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward it.

We can go about looking for the lovable or the unlovable in man. We can either actively oppose or passively accept our own predominance of self-absorption and selfishness.

And because our feelings toward other Christians are largely under our control in these and other ways, they are appropriate subjects for commandment.

II. Second, consider the sufficiency of love.

In a previous verse, our Lord spoke about keeping His commandments. Now He combines them all into one. ‘I command you to love one another,’ says the Lord.

All duties to our fellows and all duties to our brethren are summed up in, or resolved into, this one germinal, encyclopedic, all-encompassing simplification of duty, ‘love.’

When the heart is right, the behavior will be right. Love softens the tones, instinctively teaches us what we ought to be and do; it takes the bitterness out of opposition and diversity, and it reduces even rebuke, when necessary, to a form of expressing itself.

Proverbs 27:9

The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.-

Proverbs 27:9(NLT)

As balsam and fragrant perfumes marvellously refresh and comfort the natural spirits when they droop and are tired, so does the very presence of a true-hearted friend, and much more his faithful counsel, rejoice a man’s soul; especially when he is at such a loss, that he does not know how to advise himself.” — Patrick, Bishop.

Increase and comfort the spirits to bring joy to the heart. A true friend’s company and conversation are no less grateful and pleasant in respect of his good and faithful counsel, which comes from his very heart and soul, and contains his most inward and serious thoughts, whereas deceitful persons give such counsels, not because they think it is best, but because it best serves their lusts or designs.

Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart, Not the holy anointing oil for sacred use, or the perfume or incense offered on the altar of incense;

but common oil or ointment used at entertainments, poured on the heads of the guests; and incense in censing of rooms, which were very delightful, pleased the senses, and so exhilarated the heart;

so doth the sweetness of a man’s friend by hearty counsel; or “by soul counsel, such as that relating to the welfare of the soul here and now.

Bible verse for class reunion

It’s a good scripture to think about at a class reunion because it urges us to let go of any grudges or disagreements we may have had with our classmates in the past and to extend forgiveness and grace to one another.

Several Bible scriptures may be appropriate and significant for a class reunion. Here are a few examples:

Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.-

Proverbs 9:10(BSB)

This fundamental principle is the dividing line between those who are “wise” or “righteous” in their approach to wisdom (Proverbs 9:8-9) and those who are foolish and wicked.

This is a statement that appears frequently in Proverbs and is repeated elsewhere in the Bible (Proverbs 1:7; 15:33; Psalm 111:10; Job 28:28).

The word translated as “beginning” here comes from the root challah, which implies a foundation or origin. Solomon is referring to it as a prerequisite for wisdom in this context.

A person will be arrogant and instinctively lash out when corrected unless they have a humble, sincere reverence for who God is (Proverbs 9:7).

Without fear of the Lord, no one can be truly wise. The phrase “fear of the Lord” appears more than a dozen times in Proverbs.

This isn’t “just” respect, but it’s also not terror or panic. The concept is one of humility, profound reverence, and submission. The belief that God is holy and that He despises and punishes sin is the foundation for this kind of fear.

Those who correctly understand God’s role have a clear perspective on reality, which leads to insight and better outcomes.

God’s family Reunion

For many years, I lived with my family at my parent’s house. Heaven is God’s dwelling place, where he lives with his family.

And the Bible teaches us this wonderful truth: we will be reunited with our loved ones in heaven one day. And when we do, it’ll be one big family reunion that lasts forever.

So, let us look at what the Bible says about family reunions in heaven. When Christ returns, we will be reunited.

To begin with, the Bible tells us when we will all be reunited. When Christ returns, we will be reunited with our loved ones. If you die before Christ returns, you will have a mini-family reunion right away

Because in the Lord you will be reunited with those who died before you. But the big family reunion when we will all be together will not take place until Christ returns. And the Bible provides us with a detailed timeline.

The dead in Christ will be the first to rise. Then those of us who are still alive will catch up with them. We’ve already looked at this timeline in relation to our new resurrection bodies, but I’d like us to look at it again, this time in relation to being reunited with our loved ones.

So, how about our new bodies? Willn’t our new resurrection bodies be required to meet Christ and our loved ones in the air? Yes, we will require new resurrection bodies as well, and as we learned last time.

We will receive them at Christ’s return. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 says: “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For when the trumpet blows, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be transformed.” (See 1 Corinthians 15:51-52).

We will unite with God’s entire family.

Second, we will unite with God’s entire family. God’s family is bigger than your family; it’s bigger than mine; and so when we talk about family reunions, we’re not just talking about our own deceased family members in the Lord.

There will be people you know, people you’ve never met before, Old Testament believers, New Testament believers, magnificent angels, and possibly other beings in heaven.

When the great family reunion takes place at Christ’s return, the Bible says we will join with the whole family of God.

Bible verses about Reunion in Heaven

The concept of a “reunion in heaven” in the Christian religion refers to the belief that Christians will be reunited with their loved ones who have died in Christ when they enter heaven.

This concept is founded on the premise that believers will spend eternity with God in heaven and will be reunited with their loved ones who have died before them.

1 Peter 1:4

To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.-

1 Peter 1:4(KJV)

God generously gives from his grace over time. That, however, pales in comparison to eternity. His generous giving will never cease there. At that time, we will benefit from his limitless resources.

Peter describes our heavenly inheritance as a secure future. Heirs to current estates have no guarantee of receiving their inheritance. They may die before passing on their possessions. Christians have a different story.

Christ inherits everything (Hebrews 1:2). God has only one Son. He is the heir to all of God’s possessions. Through Jesus Christ, we are adopted into God’s family. Our heirship is based on our sonship, according to God (Romans 8:16, 17).

God wants us to appreciate the provisions he provides us with over time. He wants us to appreciate in time what will become his unlimited resources in eternity. This brings us back to eternal values.

Heirship necessitates eternal life (Titus 3:7). If we are heirs to the eternal God’s resources, we must have eternal life to enjoy it. God bases our heirship on both election and sonship (Hebrews 9:15). We will have an unlimited charge account for the rest of eternity.

Revelation 21:4

He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.-

Revelation 21:4(NLT)

God employs his holy angels in a variety of capacities. Sometimes they sound Divine Providence’s trumpet to warn a careless world, and sometimes they discover heavenly things of the heirs of salvation.

Those who want to see heaven clearly must climb as high as they can on the mountain of meditation and faith. The subject of the vision is the church of God in its perfect, triumphant state, gleaming in its lustre; glorious in relation to Christ; demonstrating that the happiness of heaven consists in communion with God and conformity to him.

The switch from a bride to a city demonstrates that we should only take general ideas from this description.

The wall is there for safety. Heaven is a safe place; those who live there are protected from all evils and enemies. This city is vast; there is enough room for all of God’s people.

The wall’s foundation; God’s promise and power; and Christ’s purchase are the firm foundations of the church’s safety and happiness.

These foundations are set forth by twelve types of precious stones, denoting the variety and excellence of gospel doctrines, Holy Spirit graces, or personal excellences of the Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven has doors; All who have been sanctified have free admission; they will not be turned away.

These gates were made entirely of pearls. Christ is the Pearl of Great Price and the Way to God for us. The city’s streets were pure gold, like transparent glass. In heaven, the saints walk on gold.

The saints are there at rest, yet it is not a state of sleep and idleness; they have communion, not only with God, but with one another. All of these splendors only hazily represent heaven.

2 Corinthians 5:1

For we know that if the tent of our earthly house should be destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.-

2 Corinthians 5:1(BLB)

Paul admits that he may be killed for preaching about Jesus in the future. He’s prepared for it. In fact, he yearns for what comes after that point.

He compares our bodies in this fallen world to a tent as a temporary dwelling place. It is not intended to last forever. It provides only temporary protection from the elements. Waiting in eternity, for all who are in Christ, is a dwelling place that will last forever.

This future of eternity with Christ, according to Paul, is far superior to any house on earth. It was not created by human hands. It is supplied by the Lord.

When Jesus told his disciples what to expect when they came to be with Him, he used similar language “Do not allow your hearts to be troubled. Believe in God and also in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house.

Would I have told you that I was going to prepare a place for you if that weren’t the case? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will return and take you to myself, so that you may be where I am as well ” (John 14:1–4).

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.-

Romans 6:23(ESV)

Paul sums up this section of his letter, and the entire gospel, in this one famous verse. He compares the two types of lives he has been describing. Those without Christ are slaves to sin. Their work of sinfulness earns a paycheck of death.

In other words, they earn eternal death, eternal separation from God. No matter how good a person may think they are, their work can never be good enough (Isaiah 64:6), and ultimately, they have only themselves to blame for sinning against God (Romans 1:18–20; 3:10, 23).

There is another way, however. Paul has described the possibility that we can become servants of righteousness by trusting in Christ.

This is not something we can do on our own. He wrote in Romans 3:23 that all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory. No, eternal life can only be given; it cannot be earned by human beings (Ephesians 2:8–9).

Paul describes eternal life as God’s free gift in Christ Jesus our Lord. When we trust in Christ, God gives us credit for Christ’s perfect, sinless life and accepts the payment of Christ’s death for our sin.

The result, eternal life with Him, sharing in His glory, is given to us as a gift.

What does the Bible say about reuniting with loved ones in heaven?

When Paul writes to believers who have lost a loved one, he says, “We who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thessalonians 4:17)

“Them” refers to believing loved ones who are now in the Lord’s presence. A wife who mourns the loss of her believing husband can find solace in knowing that when the Lord returns, she will see her husband again.

Sons and daughters who have lost a believing father or mother can find solace in the prospect of this happy reunion, in which we will be reunited with those who have gone before us into the presence of God.

The great reunion in heaven

The expression “great reunion in heaven” refers to the concept that all Christians who die in Christ will be reunited with their loved ones in heaven when they enter the afterlife.

This concept is founded on the premise that heaven is a place of eternal life and that Christians who have been reconciled to God through trust in Jesus Christ will have eternal joy and fellowship with God and with one another.

The idea of a great reunion in heaven appears throughout the Bible. For example,

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.

14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.

15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep.

16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.

18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

This text discusses the hope of the resurrection and how believers will be reunited with their deceased loved ones when Jesus returns.

It also mentions how believers who are still living at the time of Jesus’ return will be snatched up in the clouds with the resurrected believers to meet the Lord in the air.

Overall, the grand reunion in heaven provides many believers with hope and peace because it offers the promise of being reunited with loved ones who have died as well as the hope of eternal living with God in heaven.

Overall, the Bible emphasizes the value and significance of relationships and friendships, and it urges us to build and maintain them.

Reuniting with friends and loved ones can be a happy and important experience, and the Bible provides us with hope and consolation by promising Christians a reunion in heaven.

The biblical conclusion on reunion is that it is an important and meaningful experience and that we are required to love and forgive one another, as well as to create strong, supporting connections with people around us.

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