What Is Pitch In The Bible? Discover Pitch Bible Examples

What Is Pitch In The Bible

In this article, we shall examine “What Is Pitch In The Bible” and how the Bible uses the term pitch. The word “pitch” is used multiple times in the Bible and has a profound historical and cultural significance for the people who lived at that time.

What Is Pitch In The Bible? is an issue that we will thoroughly address and give you a thorough grasp of in this post.


The term “pitch” in the Bible refers to a material used for waterproofing and sealing. It is specifically a thick, tar-like substance applied on the interior and exterior of the wooden ark that Noah constructed in the book of Genesis.

So if you’re interested in learning more about the significance of pitch in the Bible, keep reading as we unravel the riddle of this antiquated chemical.


You will have a comprehensive understanding of pitch in the Bible and its application to our contemporary life at the end of this study.

What Is Pitch In The Bible?

The term “pitch” in the Bible refers to a material used for waterproofing and sealing. It is specifically a thick, tar-like substance applied on the interior and exterior of the wooden ark that Noah constructed in the book of Genesis. The following poem uses the term “pitch”:


Build a gopher-wood ark for yourself. Create rooms in the ark, and pitch it with the pitch from the inside out. – Gen. 6:14 (KJV)

The purpose of the pitch in the ark’s construction was to keep it watertight and shielded from flooding. The pitch was also employed in constructing other buildings, such as the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:3, which was built with pitch as the mortar.


Pitch Meaning In Hebrew

In Hebrew, the term “pitch” can signify several things depending on the situation:

1. The word “pitch” in the Bible’s Hebrew translation is “zefet,” which refers to the material used by Noah to waterproof his ark during the Flood (Genesis 6:14).

2. This more recent Hebrew word for “pitch” (migrah) can apply to both the resinous material used to produce violin bows and the dark, sticky substance used to pave roadways.

3. (nachsim) is a Hebrew word for money that roughly translates as “pitch” in English. It speaks of possessions or investments that are regarded as speculative or dangerous. For instance, someone might remark, ” .” (he invested all his money in risky assets).

Pitch Bible Meaning

A pitch bible is a document or presentation that thoroughly explains a project or idea being considered, typically in the entertainment sector.

A TV show, movie, video game, comic book, or other creative product is often pitched to possible financiers, studios, or publishers using this method.

The pitch bible may include a project overview, character descriptions, visuals, concept art, plot summaries, and other pertinent details to aid investors and studios in understanding the proposed project’s potential.

The pitch bible is frequently employed as a marketing tool to heighten curiosity about the project and win money for its advancement.

What Is Pitch In The Ark

The pitch in the legend of Noah’s Ark alludes to a material that was applied to waterproof the ark.

The Bible claims that God gave Noah the order to construct an ark in order to protect himself, his family, and two of every sort of animal from a massive flood that would submerge the entire planet.

Noah was instructed to “cover it with pitch inside and out” to make the ark waterproof (Genesis 6:14).

Distilling coal or wood produces a dark, tar-like material called pitch. The pitch was frequently utilized in antiquity to waterproof boats and ships. Moreover, it served as a sealer for construction materials like bricks and stones.

Pitch Bible Examples

1. In Genesis 6:14, God instructs Noah to build an ark and says, “Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood; you shall make the ark with rooms, and shall cover it inside and out with pitch.”
The Hebrew term “kaphar,” meaning to cover or atone for, is translated as “pitch” in this sentence.

2. God provides more guidelines in Genesis 6:16, saying,
“You shall make a window for the ark, and finish it to a cubit from the top; and set the door of the ark in the side of it; you shall make it with lower, second, and third decks.” This reveals that the ark had three levels.

3. In Genesis 6:17–18, God warns Noah that he will send a flood to wipe out all of the living things but that he will make a covenant with him and his family, who will board the ark with two of each kind of animal.

4. God urges Noah to bring into the ark in Genesis 6:19–21 “To keep them alive with you, take two of every type of living thing made of all flesh, male and female, into the ark. Two of every sort of animal and bird will come to you to be kept alive, as well as two of every form of creeping thing on the ground.” Additionally, Noah is told to bring food and supplies for the animals and himself.

5. Because he will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights after seven days, God warns Noah in Genesis 7:1–5 to gather his family and the animals and board the ark. As directed by God, Noah enters the ark.

6. After 150 days of rain, according to Genesis 8:1-4, the waters start to decrease, and the ark is brought to rest on the Ararat mountains. Noah sends a dove to investigate if the floods have subsided in Genesis 8:6–14, and it returns with an olive leaf in its mouth.

Noah releases the dove after another seven days, but this time, it does not return. As a result, Noah and his family exit the ark once the floods have dried up.

7. Noah makes sacrifices to God in Genesis 8:20–22, and God makes a covenant with Noah, promising never to wipe out all humankind with a flood again.

And the pitch used to seal the ark was significant in ensuring the safety of Noah, his family, and the animals during the flood.

What Is Pitch Made Of?

Pitch is a tar-like, sticky substance derived from various natural sources, including trees, coal, oil, and asphalt.

Latex has been utilized for various functions, including waterproofing, sealing, lubricating, and material preservation. Because pitch is hydrophobic—it repels water and creates a barrier against moisture—it can be used in industrial, construction and maritime settings.

Pitch can be made by heating, distilling, or extracting hydrocarbon-rich organic compounds from plants, such as oil, bitumen, or resin.

The consistencies, hues, and pitch compositions can vary depending on the source and processing technique.

For instance, Native Americans and other cultures have employed pine pitch, a prevalent form of pitch, for medicinal, adhesive, and ceremonies.

What is Pitch On Noah’s Ark?

God told Noah to “pitch it inside and outside with pitch” to accomplish this (Genesis 6:14). As a result, Noah had to cover the whole surface of the Ark with pitch, including the interior and outside.

This would strengthen the Ark’s buoyancy, stop leaks, and fill in the seams and fissures between the wooden planks.

The pitch would help keep the wood free from rot, rotting, and bugs and deter any moisture or water from trying to enter the Ark.

Although the Bible is silent on the kind of pitch that Noah used, some scholars speculate that it might have been bitumen or asphalt, both of which were widely available in Mesopotamia, the alleged location of the Ark’s construction.

Other people suggest that it might have been a form of resin, like pine pitch, which was also accessible and was well-known for its ability to withstand moisture.

Regardless of the specific kind, the pitch was essential to the Ark’s success as a raft that could float and survive the flood.

Noah would have applied pitch on the wooden planks to keep water from seeping in and sinking the ark. This would have allowed the ark to float on the water’s surface while shielding its occupants and goods from the flood.

What Does It Mean To Cover With Pitch?

The expression “to cover with pitch” often refers to coating a surface in a tar-like, sticky substance known as a pitch to waterproof or protect it from the elements.

As it aids in sealing the wooden hulls and preventing leaks, the pitch is frequently used in building and maintaining boats and ships.

Pitch can also shield foundations or roofs from deterioration or water damage. Pitch is often applied to a surface with a brush or other tool, dispersed uniformly over the surface after being heated to make it more flexible.

Tar And Pitch In The Bible

The Bible uses the words “tar” and “pitch” numerous times, frequently about building or shipbuilding.

God commands Noah to construct an ark and “cover it with pitch inside and out” in Genesis 6:14. This is to ensure that the ark is watertight and robust enough to survive the impending flood that God will unleash.

Moses’ mother paints the basket with tar to make it watertight in Exodus 2:3, placing him in a basket and setting it adrift on the Nile River.

The prophet Ezekiel depicts the ships of Tarshish as being “sealed with pitch” and constructed from cedars from Lebanon and fir trees from Senir.

In general, tar and pitch were frequently employed in the ancient Near East as sealants for structures, containers, and ships.

This practice is reflected in the Bible, and its readers would have been familiar with the use of tar and pitch in building and shipbuilding.


In conclusion, a more profound knowledge and interpretation of specific biblical episodes and verses depend on knowing the concept of the pitch in the Bible. The pitch

has symbolic meanings that are significant to the context of the texts and is mentioned in the Bible. It is frequently a metaphor for defense, preservation, and atonement for sin.

One can better appreciate the divine messages included in these texts by studying the different Bible pitch references.

Exploring the idea of the pitch in the texts is a thought-provoking and fruitful exercise, regardless of whether you are a biblical scholar, a Christian believer, or simply inquisitive about the rich symbolism of the Bible.

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