Stations Of The Cross Prayer

Stations Of The Cross Prayer

Stations Of The Cross Prayer: A 14-step Catholic devotion known as the Stations of the Cross honors the last day that Jesus Christ spent as a man on Earth. Starting with His condemnation, each of the 14 devotions, or stations, focuses on a different incident from His last day.

People frequently use the stations as a kind of mini-holiday, traveling from one to the next. The person remembers and considers a particular incident from Christ’s final day at each station. After saying a certain prayer at each location, the performer advances to the next one until all 14 are finished.


Stations Of The Cross Prayer

The first station
Original: Jesus is condemned to death.

Scriptural: Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26: 36-41)


The second station
Original: Jesus is given His cross.

Scriptural: Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested (Mk. 14: 43-46).


The third station
Original: Jesus falls down for the first time.

Scriptural: Jesus is condemned by the Sanhedrin (Lk. 22: 66-71).


The fourth station
Original: Jesus meets His mother Mary.

Scriptural: Jesus is denied by Peter (Matt. 26: 69-75)

The fifth station
Original: Simon of Cyrene helps carry the cross.

Scriptural: Jesus is judged by Pontius Pilate (Mk. 15: 1-5, 15).

The sixth station
Original: Veronica wipes Jesus’ face.

Scriptural: Jesus is scourged at the pillar and crowned with thorns. (Jn. 19: 1-3)

The seventh station
Original: Jesus falls down for the second time.

Scriptural: Jesus bears the cross (Jn. 19: 6, 15-7)

The eighth station
Original: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.

Scriptural: Jesus is helped by Simon the Cyrenian to carry the cross (Mk. 15: 21).

The ninth station
Original: Jesus falls down for the third time.

Scriptural: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem (Lk. 23: 27-31).

The tenth station
Original: Jesus is stripped of His clothing.

Scriptural: Jesus is crucified (Lk. 23: 33-34).

The eleventh station
Original: Jesus is nailed to the cross.

Scriptural: Jesus promises his Kingdom to the repentant thief (Lk. 23: 39-43).

The twelfth station
Original: Jesus dies on the cross. (Optional but appropriate to remain kneeling for this station)

Scriptural: Jesus speaks to his mother and the Beloved Disciple (Jn. 19: 25-27).

The thirteenth station
Original: Jesus’ body is removed from the cross.

Scriptural: Jesus dies on the cross (Lk. 23: 44-46). (Optional but appropriate to remain kneeling for this station)

The fourteenth station
Original: Jesus’ body is placed in the tomb.

Scriptural: Jesus is placed in the tomb (Matt. 27: 57-60).

When are the Stations of the Cross prayers said?

During Lent, it is customary to pray the Stations of the Cross. According to tradition, Christ died at three o’clock on Friday. Because of this, during this period of Lent on Fridays, several parishes have Stations of the Cross services.

But when it comes to this devotion to Christ, you are not confined to Lent; you can recite the Stations of the Cross at any hour of the day. You can pray the Stations of the Cross in a longer Stations Challenge, which leads you in Lectio Divina for each station (10–20 minutes each), or you can pray the Stations of the Cross in a shortened “daily” version (up to 20 minutes).

How the Stations of the Cross are Prayed

A few instructions to get you started in praying the Stations of the Cross are provided below. You can follow these instructions at every station if you’re praying through all fourteen.

1. Get ready for the initial station

Select either the Scriptural or the original set of stations to pray with before you start. Then, as you get ready for prayer, consider how you may make your meditation session serene. For instance, before you start, you might want to close your eyes or take a few deep breaths.

Next, make the Sign of the Cross and approach the first station’s scene by walking, observing, or guiding your thoughts there.

2. Give the station its name

In front of the station, bow or genuflection. After then, pause for a moment to allow yourself to be fully present with Christ right now.

If you are praying using the traditional stations, consider this: Pontius Pilate has just sentenced Christ to death. If you are using the scriptural prayer stations, you are praying in the Garden of Gethsemane alongside Christ and his disciples.

3. Offer prayers
Oh Christ, how we love and honor you, for it is through your sacred cross that the world has been redeemed.

This prayer and a well-liked set of meditations on the stations were written by St. Alphonsus de Liguori.

4. Take a moment to meditate

Think about this station for a while. You can close your eyes, kneel, and visualize yourself with Christ in the present time while gazing at a picture of the station. When you’re ready, you can start praying while reading the related verse or listening to your Hallow guide.

5. Offer prayers
Say a prayer, such as the Lord’s Prayer, to end your time before each station. Admit truthful communication with God.

6. Carry on
For all 14 stations, follow this same strategy.


In conclusion, the Stations of the Cross prayer offers a profound opportunity for believers to reflect deeply on the journey of Christ’s suffering and sacrifice. This ancient devotion invites individuals to walk alongside Jesus as he carries the weight of the cross, fostering a deeper understanding of his love and redemption.

Through meditative contemplation on each station, Christians can find solace, inspiration, and spiritual renewal as they connect with the core teachings of their faith. The Stations of the Cross prayer is not just a ritual; it is a transformative experience that strengthens the bond between believers and their Savior, empowering them to embrace the challenges of life with faith, hope, and resilience.

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