The Bible is a timeless source of wisdom, offering guidance on various aspects of life, including the roles and journeys of women.
One recurring theme in Scripture is the notion that “a woman shall leave her home.”
This article explores the profound significance of this biblical concept, delving into verses that illustrate women embarking on journeys, transitions, and new beginnings.
Bible Verses About A Woman Shall Leave Her Home
1. Genesis 2:24
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
2. Ruth 1:16
“But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.'”
3. Genesis 12:1
“Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.'”
4. Acts 16:14-15
“One who heard us was a woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul. And after she was baptized, and her household as well, she urged us, saying, ‘If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and stay.’ And she prevailed upon us.”
5. Judges 4:4
“Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at that time.”
6. Acts 9:36
“Now there was in Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, which, translated, means Dorcas. She was full of good works and acts of charity.”
7. Luke 8:2-3
“And also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.”
8. Romans 16:1
“I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae.”
9. 1 Corinthians 11:11-12
“Nevertheless, in the Lord, woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God.”
10. Acts 18:26
“He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.”
Scriptures about Women’s Journeys and Departures
11. Genesis 24:58
“And they called Rebekah and said to her, ‘Will you go with this man?’ She said, ‘I will go.'”
12. Exodus 2:1-2
“Now a man from the house of Levi went and took as his wife a Levite woman. The woman conceived and bore a son, and when she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him three months.”
13. Judges 11:37
“And she said to her father, ‘Let this thing be done for me: leave me alone two months, that I may go up and down on the mountains and weep for my virginity, I and my companions.'”
14. 1 Samuel 1:24
“And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, along with a three-year-old bull, an ephah of flour, and a skin of wine, and she brought him to the house of the Lord at Shiloh.”
15. Esther 2:8
“So when the king’s order and his edict were proclaimed, and when many young women were gathered in Susa the citadel in custody of Hegai, Esther also was taken into the king’s palace and put in custody of Hegai, who had charge of the women.”
16. Luke 2:36-37
“And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day.”
17. 2 Kings 4:8
“One day Elisha went on to Shunem, where a wealthy woman lived, who urged him to eat some food. So whenever he passed that way, he would turn in there to eat food.”
18. Song of Solomon 3:2
“I will rise now and go about the city, in the streets and in the squares; I will seek him whom my soul loves. I sought him, but found him not.”
19. Luke 7:37
“And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment.”
20. Matthew 19:29
“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.”
Women Leaving Home in the Bible
21. Hebrews 11:11
“By faith, Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised.”
22. Exodus 15:20
“Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women went out after her with tambourines and dancing.”
23. Matthew 15:28
“Then Jesus answered her, ‘O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.’ And her daughter was healed instantly.”
24. Hebrews 11:31
“By faith, Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies.”
25. Matthew 9:20-21
“And behold, a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, for she said to herself, ‘If I only touch his garment, I will be made well.'”
26. Luke 8:43-48
“And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and though she had spent all her living on physicians, she could not be healed by anyone. She came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, and immediately her discharge of blood ceased.”
27. Matthew 9:18-19
“While he was saying these things to them, behold, a ruler came in and knelt before him, saying, ‘My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.'”
28. Luke 7:50
“And he said to the woman, ‘Your faith has saved you; go in peace.'”
29. Matthew 9:22
“Jesus turned, and seeing her, he said, ‘Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.’ And instantly the woman was made well.”
30. Mark 5:34
“And he said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.'”
Bible Verses on Women’s Transitions and New Beginnings
31. Exodus 12:38
“A mixed multitude also went up with them, and very much livestock, both flocks and herds.”
32. Exodus 1:19
“But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live.”
33. Exodus 2:10
“When the child grew up, she brought him to Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her son. She named him Moses, ‘Because,’ she said, ‘I drew him out of the water.'”
34. Acts 9:36
“Now there was in Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, which, translated, means Dorcas. She was full of good works and acts of charity.”
35. Luke 7:12-15
“As he drew near to the gate of the town, behold, a man who had died was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow, and a considerable crowd from the town was with her.”
36. Luke 7:14
“Then he came up and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, ‘Young man, I say to you, arise.'”
37. 1 Timothy 5:10
“And having a reputation for good works: if she has brought up children, has shown hospitality, has washed the feet of the saints, has cared for the afflicted, and has devoted herself to every good work.”
38. Acts 16:14
“One who heard us was a woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul.”
39. Ruth 4:15
“He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age, for your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is more to you than seven sons, has given birth to him.”
40. Ruth 2:11-12
“But Boaz answered her, ‘All that you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband has been fully told to me, and how you left your father and mother and your native land and came to a people that you did not know before.'”
Departures and Spiritual Journeys
41. Exodus 15:20
“Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women went out after her with tambourines and dancing.”
42. Luke 2:36-37
“And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day.”
43. Judges 4:4
“Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at that time.”
44. Exodus 2:7
“Then his sister said to Pharaoh’s daughter, ‘Shall I go and call you a nurse from the Hebrew women to nurse the child for you?'”
45. Esther 2:8
“So when the king’s order and his edict were proclaimed, and when many young women were gathered in Susa the citadel in custody of Hegai, Esther also was taken into the king’s palace and put in custody of Hegai, who had charge of the women.”
46. Acts 16:13-14
“And on the Sabbath day we went outside the gate to the riverside, where we supposed there was a place of prayer, and we sat down and spoke to the women who had come together.”
47. Luke 8:2-3
“And also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.”
48. Romans 16:1
“I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae.”
49. 1 Corinthians 11:11-12
“Nevertheless, in the Lord, woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God.”
50. Luke 8:43
“And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and though she had spent all her living on physicians, she could not be healed by anyone.”
Leaving Home with Purpose
51. Genesis 24:58
“And they called Rebekah and said to her, ‘Will you go with this man?’ She said, ‘I will go.'”
52. Ruth 1:16
“But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.'”
53. Genesis 12:1
“Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.'”
54. Acts 16:14-15
“One who heard us was a woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul. And after she was baptized, and her household as well, she urged us, saying, ‘If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and stay.’ And she prevailed upon us.”
55. Judges 4:4
“Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at that time.”
56. Acts 9:36
“Now there was in Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, which, translated, means Dorcas. She was full of good works and acts of charity.”
57. Luke 8:2-3
“And also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.”
58. Colossians 3:8
“But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.”
59. Matthew 15:18
“But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.”
60. Ecclesiastes 3:7
“A time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.”
The Bible’s narrative of “a woman shall leave her home” reveal stories that celebrate the strength, faith, and resilience of women.
As we reflect on these verses, we not only gain insight into the roles of women in Scripture but also find valuable lessons for navigating our own journeys. The stories can lead to profound spiritual growth, transformation, and a deeper connection with our faith.